How to make orange colour

How to make orange colour – I’ll explain how to make the color orange using simple words and steps:

Mixing Orange with Paint (Subtractive Color Model):

  1. Get Your Colors: You’ll need red and yellow paint.
  2. Start with Yellow: Take a small amount of yellow paint and put it on your palette or a mixing surface.
  3. Add Some Red: Now, add a small amount of red paint right next to the yellow on your palette.
  4. Mix Gradually: Use a brush or your palette knife to mix the red and yellow paints together. Keep mixing until you see a color that looks like orange. If you want a darker orange, add a bit more red. For a lighter orange, use more yellow.
  5. Experiment and Adjust: If your orange isn’t exactly how you want it, that’s okay! You can adjust it by adding a bit more red or yellow until it looks just right.

Creating Orange on a Digital Screen (Additive Color Model):

  1. Open a Drawing Program: If you’re using a computer or tablet, open a program where you can draw or paint.
  2. Choose a Color: Look for the color picker tool. It usually looks like a small square of colors. Find the red and green sliders.
  3. Slide the Red to High: Move the red slider to the highest value, like 255.
  4. Adjust Green: Move the green slider to around the middle, like 128. This makes sure your orange isn’t too strong in one direction.
  5. Set Blue to Low: Move the blue slider all the way down to 0. This helps keep the color from looking brownish.
  6. See Your Orange: You’ll see a color on the screen that’s orange! You can try moving the green slider a little to see how it changes the shade of orange.

Remember, the amount of red and yellow you mix or the settings you adjust might change a bit depending on the paints or digital tools you’re using. It’s all about trying things out until you get the orange you like. Have fun creating your orange color!



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